Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rough Draft/Developmental stage, Magazine

Above are my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Interview rough draft. I intend to use these as my final product, however I am yet to hear feedback on the three pages so I will definitely be improving them, for example, fonts and backgrounds could be altered.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Main Article (Draft)

For my main article i wrote an interview with a brief summary of the DJ at the beginning, I intend to put this on a double page spread in my magazine alongside a picture, if it needs improving, for example, spelling and grammar mistakes I will correct it.

Photos for article

Recently, i visited a nightclub where I was able to take pictures for my magazine front cover/article. I managed to get a good fourteen shots which could possibly be worth using, here is a taster of some of the photographs (Edited/Cropped on Photoshop)