Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Preliminary Task

Whilst researching i was asked to complete a preliminary task, this was to create the front cover of a College Magazine and also to plan a contents page. After completing the preliminary task i would then have learned the skills and experience needed to create a magazine. I have used Photoshop CS3 and Adobe InDesign CS3 and I now have a basic grasp on how to use the software.

When i started to plan my
 preliminary task i wanted 
to create a simple yet effective magazine cover which conveyed the typical student.

I chose to place the Masthead in the top left corner, it is a simple yet bold font which is pleasing to the eye. To the right of the title is the date, issue number and price. I chose to use a cool blue background as it lets the text and picture stand out.

Here is the plan of
 my front cover, I originally planned t
o add more photographs to the bottom of the page and some information about the competition yet i was unable to do this as my main picture on the front cover took up more space than expected. Some brief information regarding the articles inside are shown down the right hand side of the page.

My contents page plan has a big title at the top of the page, contains information on five different articles, images of the college, the college music band and also the college football team. Also on the contents page i have short paragraph on what the magazine is about and why it has bee
n created. At the bottom of the page on the left there is a picture of the competition prize and what page the
What did i learn from my Preliminary Task?

After creating a front cover for my magazine and planning the contents i learnt about the conventions needed to make them successful and i gained valuable experience in using the software programs involved. I have learnt new skills and how to use tools on Photoshop and Adobe Indesign.

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